Today as I look out from the top of a hill,
Although the world should be washed over in love
We have realized we are living in bewilderment
The soft song of love cannot reach us
I swear everything, I would risk everything, I would lose everything
For the one I love, to think of you, to live together with you
Past softness, we're both cowards
Even though I'm not skilled at telling my true feelings
I can speak of great things and works
Nevertheless, I'm all right...I'm feeling fulfilled
I just wanna protect you, enclosed in loneliness, your heart shaken by sadness
I won't forget the wind and trees, the burning sky
I won't forget the song I loved, the front cover of the picture book I read many times
I won't forget that high sky, the blue ocean, summer's sunlight
I won't forget the words we exchanged...I won't forget anything!
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