
Before I close my eyes, inside my dream, I'm starting to melt the scenery
That seems like I've it seen before and the distant memory I recall just a little

I try to follow the path I where walked with you
I'll surely understand that the starry sky is an eternal vow

And, on such a day when you call my name
And someone will surely locate you,
I know beautiful one day
I don't want to be left behind
Why do I feel so alone

No matter what day it is, don't forget that gentle feelings will visit
By just softly mumbling a love song that you start to whisper

Tell me why, if I'm with you, even if we're separated, we can understand each other
Abdicate our hands underneath the endless starry sky

A shooting shiny star
Its beginning is always at this place
When I look into your eyes
Near you
'Cause I just want you to be by my side
Make me smile night and day

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