More Than Yesterday

I will not promise you
If I knew I was going to waver, even for a little bit
I don't start anything
If I know that the heart can heal itself

When the days are hard, it gets sad
The pain that causes the tears to come
It will end someday
The only thing that is endless is our love

I don't want to do this ever again
Breaking up
Unless it's a break-up to meet you once more
Whenever and forever

Because it feels like my overwhelming heart will explode
Because I think the person before my eyes isn't really you
I run, and embrace the breathing you
I am the idiot, Who lets go of his worries

I Love You, More Than I did yesterday
I have never met someone so important and precious to me, that it hurts
To meet you, to feel this happiness
I must have dealt with a lot of pain

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